Sunday 24 April 2016

Yoga is a most important and precious gift given by the nature from ancient time to get connected throughout the life with nature. It is the practice of uniting the mind and body in order to achieve the perfect harmony between both. It helps a person to get higher level of consciousness by getting control over the body in all aspects like physically, mentally, socially and intellectually. Yoga is promoted to get practiced daily in the schools and colleges for the betterment of the students as well as increasing their concentration level towards study. It is a systematic effort done by the people to attain the perfection by getting control over all different nature elements exist in the body.
Just like keeping a healthy diet is important to maintaining a healty lifestyle , eating the right foods is just as important for getting the most out of your workout.

Saturday 23 April 2016

    I enjoy my life I think I have a good life and I think iam very satisfied with the direction of my career  and just my lifestyle and everything like that 

Thursday 21 April 2016

1  व्यायाम वह गतिवधि है जो शारीर को स्वस्थ रखने के लिए किया जाता है| यह कई अलग अलग तरीके से किया  जाता है जिसमे शामिल है मस्पेशियो को मजबूत बनाना , वजन घटाना आदि शामिल है | लगातार और नियमित शारीरिक व्यायाम हिर्दिये रोग ,टाइप २ मधुमेह मोटापे को रोकने में मदद करता है| 
      Lifestyle disease such as heart disease some cancers and diabetes ,which are no longer a problem just in wealthy nations,globally 14.2 million people between age of 30-69 year die prematurely each year from these disease. These disease emerged as bigger killer than infection .risk factor of these disease include tobacco use, unhealthy diet and  inactivity.

1      What is cholesterol ?                                                                                                                                   
     cholesterol is a fat like substance found in all the cell of the body . countrary to common belief that cholesterol is bad for health , it is, in fact essential to have a balanced cholesterol level in our body for production of harmones ,vitamin d and various substances that help in digestion.

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Many people are trapped in some kind of a bad habit that they wish they never had. Bad habits are formed more easily than good habits, and are usually the hardest to get rid of. Smoking, drinking, gambling, overeating, and eating fast food are all examples of bad habits. Many people, who know of their bad habits, want to change, but no matter how hard they try, they usually find themselves not being able to.
To change, we have to have an intention and high motivation. It is easy to develop bad habits, especially when a person is young. This is because when a person is young, it is hard for him/her to distinguish the difference between right and wrong because of their inexperience. Bad habit is a process that starts from our mind ”our thoughts.
Habit is formed by a step-by-step process which involves thought, action, and repetition. Thought is the backbone of creating bad habits. Our mind plays a very important role in creating habits. Being humans, we do not realize the consequence of turning our thoughts into reality. When these thoughts lead to some kind of action, the result is either a good thing or bad.
“Junk food” is a term used for the food that is of little nutritional value and often high in fat, sugar, salt, and calories. Lifestyle diseases characterise those diseases that occur due to the habits of people and an inappropriate relationship of people with their environment. The main factors contributing to lifestyle diseases include bad food habits, physical inactivity, wrong body posture and disturbed biological clock.

       25 % Indian may die before 70

With increasing life style disease in india , one out of four Indian is at risk of dying for non communication disease like diabetes , cancer before  age 70  

Tuesday 19 April 2016

    Lifestyle- how you live, eat and think determines your health. To prevent disease, you may have to change how you live.

Ayurvedic medicine is the traditional holistic medical system in India. Natural scientists and Ancient seers developed this system based on centuries of experiments, studies, and meditations.
Indian Ayurveda is a well-known system of Hindu traditional medicine of Vedic tradition, and a form of the alternative medicine. Some of the most renowned Ayurvedic texts include the Charaka Saṃhitā and Suśrutha Saṃhita. These Sanskrit texts are among the foundational compiled works of Ayurveda that helps know the history of Ayurveda